RMIT University Melbourne
RMIT University Melbourne
Victorian TAFE Association

2024 State Conference Melbourne

TAFECreates 2024

TAFECreates is the annual state conference for Victoria’s vocational education and training sector, and the hallmark event in the Victorian TAFE Association (VTA) calendar.

This annual event brings together leadership teams from across Victoria’s TAFE institutes and dual sector universities, government, technology providers, thought leaders, consultants and innovators.

Conference delegates hear from compelling speakers, workshop new ideas and see firsthand TAFE-industry partnerships and network.

TAFECreates24 was proudly hosted by RMIT.

Victorian TAFE AssociationRMIT University – Host Institute
TAFECreates ran over 2 days from August 8-9 2024

Conference Program

Day 1
Thursday, August 8, 2024
TAFECreates 2024 commenced with registration and a networking breakfast on the morning of Thursday 8 August. A full day of keynote speakers, presentations and workshops was followed by the official conference dinner.
Location: RMIT Melbourne – Storey Hall, Building 16, 342 Swanston St, Melbourne.
Day 2
Friday, August 9, 2024
On Friday 9 August, delegates enjoyed a full day of keynote speakers, presentations and workshops.
Location: RMIT Melbourne – Capitol Theatre, 113 Swanston St, Melbourne.
Day 1 - Registration and networking breakfast
7:45 am
9:00 am

Registration and networking breakfast – Storey Hall, RMIT

Day 1 - Conference opening
9:00 am

Conference opening

Day 1 - Welcome to country
9:10 am

Welcome to country. Wurundjeri Elder – Tony Garvey

Day 1 - VTA Board Chair Welcome
9:20 am

VTA Board Chair welcome

Day 1 - Minister Keynote
9:25 am

Minister Keynote: Victorian TAFE delivering for students, industry and communities – the Hon Gayle Tierney, Minister for Skills and TAFE

Day 1 - Sponsor acknowledgement
9:40 am

Sponsor acknowledgement

Day 1 - Sponsor welcome
9:45 am

Sponsor welcome – ReadyTech

Day 1 - Morning tea
9:50 am

Morning tea

Day 1 - Keynote 2
10:30 am
11:40 am

Keynote (panel): Social, economic and political trends that TAFE leaders need to know

Day 1 - Stream 1
11:40 am
12:30 pm

Stream 1: The Universities Accord: Coming together or further differentiated? The future of the tertiary education sector

Day 1 - Stream 2
11:40 am
12:30 pm

Stream 2: Creating skilled Victorians: The industry and TAFE shared responsibility

Day 1 – Lunch
12:30 pm
1:35 pm


Day 1 - Keynote 3
1:35 pm
2:35 pm

Keynote (panel): Collaboration leadership: Insights for the TAFE network

Day 1 – Afternoon tea
3:30 pm
4:00 pm

Afternoon tea – Building 78 Student Lounge, RMIT

Day 1 - Site tours conclude
4:30 pm

Site tours conclude

Day 1 - Welcome drinks & canapés
6:00 pm

Welcome drinks and canapés

Location: Arts Centre Melbourne, 100 St Kilda Rd, The Pavilion Room

Day 1 - Guests seated
6:45 pm

Guests seated

Day 1 - Welcome
6:50 pm


Day 1 - Welcome to Melbourne
7:00 pm

Welcome to Melbourne

Day 1 - Conference dinner
7:10 pm

Conference dinner

Location: Arts Centre Melbourne, 100 St Kilda Rd, The Pavilion Room

Day 1 - Dinner keynote
7:45 pm

Dinner keynote – Paul Guerra, Chief Executive, Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Day 1 - Fireside chat
8:45 pm
9:15 pm

Fireside chat – RMIT Teachers and Students of the year

Day 1 - Dinner concludes
10:00 pm

Conference dinner concludes

Day 2 - Breakfast
8:30 am
9:00 am

Breakfast – The Capitol Theatre, RMIT

Day 2 - Welcome back
9:00 am
9:15 am

Welcome back

Day 2 - Keynote 4
9:15 am
10:15 am

Keynote: Navigating change with Gus Balbontin

Day 2 – Morning tea
10:15 am
10:45 am

Morning tea

Day 2 – Keynote 5
10:45 am
11:45 am

Keynote (panel): The TAFE experience from a student perspective

Day 2 – Stream 3
11:45 am
12:45 pm

Stream 3: Leading the next tech revolution at TAFE

Day 2 – Stream 4
11:45 am
12:45 pm

Stream 4: TAFE centres of excellence, productivity and prosperity: Designing a Victorian model

Day 2 – Lunch
12:45 pm
1:30 pm


Day 2 – Keynote 6
1:30 pm
2:00 pm

Keynote: Response from Government

Day 2 – Keynote 7
2:00 pm
3:00 pm

Keynote (panel): Leveraging the Victorian TAFE network to benefit students, industry and communities

Day 2 - Closing speech
3:00 pm
3:15 pm

Closing speech

Day 2 - Conference wrap up
3:15 pm

Conference wrap up

Day 2 - Conference close
3:30 pm

Conference close


Conference Partners

TAFECreates 24 was proudly sponsored by…

About RMIT

RMIT is a dual-sector university with a proud history of vocational education.

Founded more than 130 years ago as a ‘Working Men’s College’, RMIT’s original motto ‘a skilled hand, a cultivated mind’ still resonates today, with the university growing into a leading global vocational and higher education institution.

RMIT’s College of Vocational Education delivers programs across RMIT’s three Melbourne campuses — City, Brunswick and Bundoora. It has robust ties to industry through engagement and deep collaboration, providing rich discipline knowledge and a learning and teaching delivery model that aligns to future student and industry needs.

The College is made up of five industry clusters: Creative Industries, Future Technologies, Business and Enterprise, Built Environment and Sustainability, Social Care and Health. It offers close to 150 programs, with 1,000 staff including professional staff and teachers, and almost 20,000 students in vocational programs and associate degrees.

The College ensures that its programs align with current State and Federal policy and research to provide quality education and employment outcomes for its students that make a real impact on its communities.

About the VTA

The voice of Victorian TAFEs and dual sector universities

The VTA is a not-for-profit that informs, supports and represents the interests of the Victorian TAFE sector. The VTA proudly champions the interests of public vocational education providers with a focus on sustainability, quality, and outcomes for industry, community and learners.