2024 Presentations
Day 1 - Keynote 2
Day 1 - Keynote 2
Day 1 - Keynote 3
Day 1 - Stream 2
Day 1 - Stream 2
Day 1 - Stream 2
Day 2 – Stream 4
Day 2 – Stream 4
Day 2 – Keynote 5
Day 2 - Conference close
Conference close
Day 2 - Conference wrap up
Conference wrap up
Claire Field
Michael Fung
Day 2 - Closing speech
Closing speech
Allison Jenvey OAM
Day 2 – Keynote 7
Keynote (panel): Leveraging the Victorian TAFE network to benefit students, industry and communities
Frances Coppolillo
Allison Jenvey OAM
Laura Macpherson
Tony Nippard
Day 2 – Keynote 6
Keynote: Response from Government
Dr Xavier Csar
Day 2 – Lunch
Day 2 – Stream 4
Stream 4: TAFE centres of excellence, productivity and prosperity: Designing a Victorian model
Mish Eastman
Joe Ormeno
Christine Robertson
Day 2 – Stream 3
Stream 3: Leading the next tech revolution at TAFE
Janelle Arena
Jemma Horsley
Shane Palmada
Grant Radford
Travis Smith
Day 2 – Keynote 5
Keynote (panel): The TAFE experience from a student perspective
David Carney
Lou McNoughton
Erica Montealto
Carol Yap
Day 2 – Morning tea
Morning tea
Day 2 - Keynote 4
Keynote: Navigating change with Gus Balbontin
Gus Balbontin
Day 2 - Welcome back
Welcome back
Day 2 - Breakfast
Breakfast – The Capitol Theatre, RMIT
Day 1 - Dinner concludes
Conference dinner concludes
Day 1 - Fireside chat
Fireside chat – RMIT Teachers and Students of the year
Iftekhar Khan
Suzanne Thomson
Olivia Cooper
Luke Pattison
Day 1 - Dinner keynote
Dinner keynote – Paul Guerra, Chief Executive, Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Paul Guerra
Day 1 - Conference dinner
Conference dinner
Location: Arts Centre Melbourne, 100 St Kilda Rd, The Pavilion Room
Day 1 - Welcome to Melbourne
Welcome to Melbourne
Cr Nicholas Reece
Day 1 - Welcome
Allison Jenvey OAM
Day 1 - Guests seated
Guests seated
Day 1 - Welcome drinks & canapés
Welcome drinks and canapés
Location: Arts Centre Melbourne, 100 St Kilda Rd, The Pavilion Room
Day 1 - Site tours conclude
Site tours conclude
Day 1 – Afternoon tea
Afternoon tea – Building 78 Student Lounge, RMIT
Day 1 - Site tours
Site tours (click here for showcase tour details)
Day 1 - Keynote 3
Keynote (panel): Collaboration leadership: Insights for the TAFE network
Nicole Bartholomeusz
Michael Gorton AM
Gary Workman
Day 1 – Lunch
Day 1 - Stream 2
Stream 2: Creating skilled Victorians: The industry and TAFE shared responsibility
Dr Rebecca Casson
Katrina Currie
Felicia Mariani
Day 1 - Stream 1
Stream 1: The Universities Accord: Coming together or further differentiated? The future of the tertiary education sector
Madelyn Bolch
Craig Robertson
Stephen Varty
Day 1 - Keynote 2
Keynote (panel): Social, economic and political trends that TAFE leaders need to know
Ashley Fell
Amit Singh
Day 1 - Morning tea
Morning tea
Day 1 - Sponsor welcome
Sponsor welcome – ReadyTech
Day 1 - Sponsor acknowledgement
Sponsor acknowledgement
Day 1 - Minister Keynote
Minister Keynote: Victorian TAFE delivering for students, industry and communities – the Hon Gayle Tierney, Minister for Skills and TAFE
The Hon. Gayle Tierney MP
Day 1 - VTA Board Chair Welcome
VTA Board Chair welcome
Allison Jenvey OAM
Day 1 - Welcome to country
Welcome to country. Wurundjeri Elder – Tony Garvey
Day 1 - Conference opening
Conference opening
Day 1 - Registration and networking breakfast
Registration and networking breakfast – Storey Hall, RMIT